4. Bolbitis hookeriana K. Iwatsuki, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 18: 49. 1959.
虎克实蕨 hu ke shi jue
Bolbitis appendiculata (Willdenow) K. Iwatsuki subsp. vivipara (Buchanan-Hamilton ex Hooker) Hennipman; Polybotrya vivipara Buchanan-Hamilton ex Hooker.
Rhizome long creeping, 5-12 cm in diam., with usually 3 rows of fronds, without or with few sclerenchyma strands. Sterile fronds pinnate, 20-100 cm; stipe and rachis usually throughout with spreading scales or sometimes glabrescent; stipe 5-25 cm; lamina 20-85 × 4-20 mm, terminal segment 3-10 cm; pinnae 33-60 pairs, 3.5-10 × 1.2-2.5 cm, base ± symmetrical, margin usually entire, sometimes lobed to 1/5 toward costa; lobes 3-5 pairs, alternate, linear-lanceolate, usually widest at (to below) middle, 15-25 × 2-3 cm, base ± symmetrical, broadly attenuate or truncate, margin slightly serrate-crenate, with a short spine in each sinus, apex acuminate, lowermost 2 pinnae with short stalk; secondary veins on either side with 2 or 3 tertiary veins. Fertile fronds pinnate, 40-90 cm; stipe 16-45 cm; lamina 14-40 × 4-10 cm; pinnae 35-50 pairs; central pinnae 2-8.5 cm, lowermost 2 pinnae 0-4 mm stalked. Sporangia inserted on all sides of costa and costules, usually arrangement moniliform.
On rocks in dense forests; ca. 500 m. Yunnan (Yingjiang) [Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Laos, Malesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam].