2. Polypodiodes raishaensis (Rosenstock) S. G. Lu, Taiwania. 50: 140. 2005.
大叶水龙骨 da ye shui long gu
Polypodium raishaense Rosenstock, Hedwigia 56: 346. 1915; Marginaria pseudoformosana Tagawa; M. raishaensis (Rosenstock) Nakai ex H. Itô.
Rhizome long creeping, ca. 3 mm in diam., covered with whitish bloom; scales sparse, black, linear-subulate with a broad, brown base. Fronds remote. Stipe and rachis glossy, turning brown when mature. Lamina oblong, 30-55 × 10-15 cm, pinnatipartite. Segments spreading, 4.5-8 cm, adnate to rachis by a narrow wing, margin entire, abaxial surface glabrous, pubescent on margin and on adaxial surface; lower segments shortened and deflexed. Veins anastomosing to form 1 or 2 rows of areoles on each side of costa with included veinlets. Lamina herbaceous. Sori orbicular, small, closely spaced, borne near costa in costal areoles at end of free veinlets.
● Epiphytic on tree trunks or on rocks; (200-)800-1600 m. Taiwan.
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