11b. Polypodiodes amoena var. duclouxii (Christ) Ching ex S. G. Lu, Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 6(2): 25. 2000.
红秆水龙骨 hong gan shui long gu
Polypodium duclouxii Christ, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 1: 34. 1909; Polypodium amoenum var. duclouxii (Christ) Ching.
Stipe and abaxial surface of costae castaneous. Lamina narrowly lanceolate in outline, basal segments spreading; veinlets slender and indistinct, both surfaces glabrous.
● Epiphytic on tree trunks or on rocks; 2000-2500 m. Sichuan, Yunnan.
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