5. Neolepisorus zippelii (Blume) Li Wang, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 162: 36. 2010.
显脉星蕨 xian mai xing jue
Polypodium zippelii Blume, Fl. Javae. Filic. 172. 1847; Colysis zippelii (Blume) J. Smith; Microsorum luzonicum (Copeland) Tagawa; M. zippelii (Blume) Ching; Neocheiropteris zippelii (Blume) Bosman; Polypodium heterocarpum Blume var. zippelii (Blume) Baker; P. luzonicum Copeland (1906), not P. luzonense C. Presl (1825); P. oxyphyllum Kunze.
Rhizome shortly creeping, cylindrical, thick, 4-5 mm in diam., not white waxy. Scales 4-6 × 1-2 mm, margin denticulate to dentate, apex acute, clathrate or subclathrate, central region glabrous. Phyllopodia ± distinct, ca. 10 mm or more apart. Fronds not or slightly dimorphic; stipe 0.8-8 cm, 0.8-3.2 mm in diam., winged for a considerable part; lamina simple, narrowly elliptic to narrowly obovate, 40-65 × 6-8 cm, herbaceous (to firmly herbaceous), base narrowly decrescent, margin entire, apex acuminate, abaxial surface without acicular hairs; veins prominent and distinct, 4-13 mm apart, ± straight or zigzag, dichotomously branched near margin, connecting veins 3-7 between adjacent secondary veins, catadromous, smaller veins ± sunken and indistinct, or prominent and distinct, variously anastomosing, free veinlets simple to once or twice forked. Sori separate, in 2 irregular rows between each pair of veins (occasionally in part confluent) over surface of lamina, orbicular, 1.5-2 mm in diam., or length 2-4 mm, superficial or slightly sunken, on whole surface of lamina, predominantly on connective veins, absent in marginal areoles, generally present in costal areoles; paraphyses simple uniseriate hairs with glandular top cells.
Epiphytic, or epilithic on sandstone or limestone in dense wet forests. Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Yunnan [India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand].