1. Oreogrammitis adspersa (Blume) Parris, Gard. Bull. Singapore. 58: 255. 2007.
无毛滨禾蕨 wu mao bin he jue
Grammitis adspersa Blume, Fl. Javae Filic. 115. 1830; G. malaica (Alderwerelt) Tagawa; Polypodium malaicum Alderwerelt.
Stipe very short, up to 0.5 cm, with occasional to scattered simple solitary and forked short hairs when young; phyllopodia absent. Lamina linear to narrowly elliptic, 2-6 × 0.3-0.7 cm, cuneate or attenuate to form wing almost to base, glabrous or with occasional to sparse hairs on younger laminae at base, margin entire, sometimes undulate, apex acute or bluntly obtuse; midrib prominent abaxially at base, less so adaxially, gradually flattened toward apex, dark brown in basal part, brown in apical part; lateral veins hidden, visible in younger fronds with transmitted light, simple, or when soriferous 1-forked with a short acroscopic branch not extending beyond sorus, endings with hydathodes; hairs absent or only in younger fronds, when present hairs simple, solitary, or rarely forked, pale brown, up to 0.2 mm, mainly on both sides of basal midrib and margin, absent or nearly so on other parts. Sori orbicular to oval, superficial, quite close to midrib. Sporangia setose.
Among moss on tree trunks in dense wet mountain forests; 1200-1800 m. Hainan, Taiwan (Pingdong) [Borneo, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam; Pacific islands].