22. CAREX sect. ALBAE (Ascherson & Graebner) Kükenthal in Engler, Pflanzenr. 38(IV. 20): 499. 1909.
白鳞薹草组 bai lin tai cao zu
Authors: Lun-Kai Dai & Tetsuo Koyama
Carex [unranked] Albae Ascherson & Graebner, Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. 2(2): 156. 1903.
Rhizome stoloniferous. Culms obtusely trigonous. Leaves narrow, involute on margins. Involucral bracts sheathlike, bladeless. Spikes unisexual; terminal spike male; lateral spikes female, loosely few flowered, with slender peduncle. Female glumes very broadly hyaline on margins. Utricles swollen trigonous, glabrous, shiny, shortly beaked, beak obliquely truncate at orifice. Nutlets tightly enveloped in utricle; style base thickened and globose; stigmas 3.
Four species: Asia, Europe, North America; two species in China.
1 |
Leaves ca. 1/2 height of culms; terminal spike usually lower than adjacent female spike, female spikes 2-6-flowered; female glumes shorter than utricle; utricles 3.5-4 mm, yellow-green, shiny. |
163 C. alba |
+ |
Leaves equaling culms; terminal spike surpassing adjacent female spike, female spikes 2-4-flowered; female glumes equaling utricle; utricles ca. 3 mm, dark brown, not shiny. |
164 C. ussuriensis |
Lower Taxa
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