23. CAREX sect. LIMOSAE Meinshausen, Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada. 18: 283, 349. 1901.
湿生薹草组 shi sheng tai cao zu
Authors: Lun-Kai Dai & Tetsuo Koyama
Rhizome stoloniferous. Involucral bracts ± spathelike, usually short involucral bract leafy, sheaths long or short. Spikes few, unisexual, rather remote; terminal spike male; lateral spikes female, subdensely few to many flowered; peduncles slender, usually pendent. Female glumes long or shortly mucronate or awned. Utricles leathery, glabrous, papillate or granular punctate, nearly beakless or very shortly beaked, orifice truncate or emarginate. Nutlets rather tightly enveloped in utricle; style exserted from utricle, base not thickened; stigmas 3.
Four species: polar and alpine regions of Asia, Europe, and North and South America; two species in China.
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Lowermost involucral bract shortly sheathed, sheath less than 5 mm; female glumes slightly longer than utricle; utricles ovate or elliptic. |
165 C. limosa |
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Lowermost involucral bract long sheathed, sheath up to 2 cm, female glumes shorter than utricle; utricles oblong-elliptic. |
166 C. laxa |
Lower Taxa
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