47. CAREX sect. RUPESTRES (Tuckerman) Mackenzie, N. Amer. Fl. 18: 219. 1935.
石薹草组 shi tai cao zu
Authors: Yancheng Tang, Shuren Zhang & Tetsuo Koyama
Carex [unranked] Rupestres Tuckerman, Enum. Meth. Caric. 8. 1843.
Inflorescence 1-spiked, terminal, androgynous, densely or sparsely flowered. Utricles broadly ovate to broadly elliptic, faintly veined, apex abruptly contracted into a short beak. Nutlet often with reduced rachilla at base; stigmas 3.
Twelve species: NW Africa, Asia, Europe, North America; two species in China.
1 |
Utricles submembranous; female glumes obtuse at apex. |
463 C. argunensis |
+ |
Utricles leathery; female glumes acute at apex. |
464 C. obtusata |
Lower Taxa
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