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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 18 | Scrophulariaceae

76. Pedicularis ser. Lyratae Maximowicz, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg. 32: 524. 1888.

琴盔系 qin kuei xi

Stems ± procumbent or erect, branched or not. Leaves usually opposite, occasionally in whorls of 3 or 4; leaf blade often ovate-oblong, pinnatifid. Calyx 5-lobed. Corolla tube erect; galea often bent apically, longer than lower lip, beakless, with 1 or several marginal teeth near apex, beakless.

Eleven species: China, Sikkim; all 11 species in China.

1 Galea with several distinct marginal teeth on each side; lower corolla lip margin serrulate.   (2)
+ Galea with 1 marginal tooth or sometimes additionally obscurely denticulate on each side; lower corolla lip margin entire or slightly praemorse.   (5)
2 (1) Galea acute or pointed at apex; lateral calyx lobes elliptic or broadly ovate, distinctly serrate.   (3)
+ Galea rounded at apex, not pointed or acute; lateral calyx lobes narrowly long, obscurely serrate.   (4)
3 (2) Stems usually fascicled, many branched apically; inflorescences compact; corolla pale yellow; calyx slightly cleft anteriorly; leaves 20--50 X 11--22 mm   247 Pedicularis lutescens
+ Stems single, unbranched; inflorescences interrupted; corolla purplish red; calyx slightly cleft anteriorly; leaves 8--11 X 4--6 mm   248 Pedicularis laxispica
4 (2) Plants (6--)10--20 cm tall; inflorescences to 9.5 cm; corolla 2.2--2.5 cm; filaments pubescent basally   249 Pedicularis polyodonta
+ Plants 2--6 cm tall; inflorescences 2--2.5 cm; corolla 1.9--2 cm; filaments glabrous   250 Pedicularis lyrata
5 (1) Corolla with dark colored spots; lower lip margin entire.   (6)
+ Corolla without spots; lower lip margin ± praemorse.   (7)
6 (5) Plants (10--)20--30(--50) cm tall; roots few, fusiform, fleshy; leaves in whorls of 3 or 4   240 Pedicularis stenocorys
+ Plants less than 7 cm tall; roots numerous, slender; leaves opposite   241 Pedicularis dolichoglossa
7 (5) Stems and branches glabrous or barely with 2 lines of hairs.   (8)
+ Stems and branches densely pubescent.   (9)
8 (7) Leaves to 12 X 10 mm; stems 4--15 cm tall; middle lobe of lower corolla lip ca. as long as lateral lobes   242 Pedicularis cymbalaria
+ Leaves 2--6 X 1.5--4 mm; stems 3.5--4.5 cm tall; middle lobe of lower corolla lip ca. 2 X as long as lateral lobes   243 Pedicularis inaequilobata
9 (7) Corolla yellow; lobes of lower lip nearly equal   244 Pedicularis tomentosa
+ Corolla red to rose; lobes of lower lip unequal, middle lobe distinctly largest.   (10)
10 (9) Leaves ovate to oblong-ovate, 1.5--2.5 cm X 8--12 mm, crenate-dentate; filaments glabrous   245 Pedicularis rizhaoensis
+ Leaves triangular or triangular-ovate, 0.8--1.2 cm X 6--8 mm, pinnatifid; filaments sparsely pubescent basally   246 Pedicularis deltoidea

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