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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 18 | Scrophulariaceae

67. Pedicularis ser. Strobilaceae P. C. Tsoong ex H. B. Yang, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 33: 246. 1995.

球状系 qiu zhuang xi

Stems usually branched basally and at middle; branches alternate or sometimes pseudo-opposite. Leaves alternate or proximal ones often ± opposite, ± elliptic, pinnatipartite. Inflorescences capitate or racemose, short. Calyx deeply cleft anteriorly, 3--5-lobed. Corolla tube longer than calyx, some 2 X longer, galea often crested, twisted laterally; beak slender.

Five species: China, N Myanmar; all five in China.

1 Middle lobe of lower corolla lip elliptic to oblong, to 7 mm; galea prominently crested   212 Pedicularis pseudocephalantha
+ Middle lobe of lower corolla lip obovate or obovate-rounded, not more than 5 mm; galea inconspicuously crested or not crested.   (2)
2 (1) Corolla 1.7--1.8 cm; calyx 5--6.5 mm.   (3)
+ Corolla 2--2.2 cm; calyx 9--12 mm.   (4)
3 (2) Lower corolla lip not ciliate; all filaments villous apically; calyx 1/2 cleft anteriorly   208 Pedicularis gracilicaulis
+ Lower corolla lip ciliate; 2 filaments glabrous, 2 pubescent; calyx 2/3 cleft anteriorly   210 Pedicularis strobilacea
4 (2) Leaf blade 1.5--3 cm, segments 6--9 pairs; calyx 1/2 cleft anteriorly; lower corolla lip shorter than galea, middle lobe not emarginate   209 Pedicularis dichrocephala
+ Leaf blade 3--8 cm, segments 10--18 pairs; calyx 1/3 cleft anteriorly; lower corolla lip ca. as long as galea, middle lobe emarginate   211 Pedicularis lanpingensis

Lower Taxa


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