3. Rhododendron subsect. Grandia (Tagg) Sleumer, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 74: 549. 1949.
大叶杜鹃亚组 da ye du juan ya zu
Hu Linzhen (胡琳贞 Hu Ling-cheng); David F. Chamberlain
Rhododendron ser. Grandia Tagg in J. B. Stevenson, Sp. Rhodod. 305. 1930 ["Grande"]; Waldemaria Klotzsch.
Trees or small trees, rarely large shrubs; young shoots stout, mostly ± tomentose. Leaf blade large, up to 70 cm, leathery or thickly leathery, oblong-elliptic to oblanceolate or obovate; abaxial surface with a 1- or 2-layered indumentum; adaxial surface glabrous when mature, usually plastered, compacted and agglutinated, rarely loose and felted indumentum. Inflorescence terminal, broad and large, 12–30-flowered; rachis stout, 10–60 mm. Calyx minute, 5–8-lobed; corolla broadly campanulate or ventricose-campanulate, rarely funnelform, (5–)6–8-lobed, fleshy, creamy-white, rose or deep purple-red, often with crimson basal blotch, with or without nectar pouches; stamens 10–20; ovary 6–20-locular, tomentose, glandular or glabrous. Capsule large, woody.
Twelve species: Asia; ten species (five endemic) in China.