1 |
Lower involucral bracts leaflike |
(2) |
+ |
Lower involucral bracts setaceous |
(8) |
2 (1) |
Upper 1-3 spikes male |
(3) |
+ |
Terminal spike male |
(4) |
3 (2) |
Utricles 4-5 mm, slightly longer than subtending glume; basal sheaths rather long, yellow-brown. |
402 C. middendorffii |
+ |
Utricles ca. 3 mm, ca. 1/2 as long as subtending glume; basal sheaths rather short, red-brown or red-purple. |
403 C. cryptocarpa |
4 (2) |
Utricles shorter than glume |
(5) |
+ |
Utricles longer than glume |
(6) |
5 (4) |
Female glumes oblong or ovate-lanceolate, 3.5-4 mm; utricles oblong, ca. 3 × 1.2 mm. |
397 C. zhonghaiensis |
+ |
Female glumes ovate-oblong or elliptic, ca. 2.5 mm; utricles elliptic, 2-2.5 mm. |
398 C. minxianica |
6 (4) |
Utricles broadly obovate or suborbicular; female glumes 1.5-1.7 mm. |
399 C. platysperma |
+ |
Utricles broadly ovate, broadly elliptic, or ovate; female glumes 2-3 mm |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Utricles broadly ovate or broadly elliptic, 2.5-3 mm; female glumes ca. 2.5 mm, rounded at apex. |
400 C. muliensis |
+ |
Utricles ovate, 2.2-2.5 mm; female glumes ca. 2 mm, truncate at mucronate apex. |
401 C. kiotensis |
8 (1) |
Utricles suborbicular, ovate-orbicular, or obovate-orbicular |
(9) |
+ |
Utricles ovate or elliptic |
(12) |
9 (8) |
Female spikes ovate to oblong, sessile or lower with peduncles 1.5-3 mm |
(10) |
+ |
Female spikes cylindric, lower with peduncles 5-20 mm |
(11) |
10 (9) |
Rhizome with stolons; utricles suborbicular or subglobose, beak very short, orifice entire or emarginate with small teeth. |
389 C. orbicularis |
+ |
Rhizome without stolons; utricles broadly ovate or suborbicular, beak short, orifice irregular truncate. |
390 C. satakeana |
11 (9) |
Female glumes narrowly oblong, purple-brown, margins narrowly white hyaline. |
391 C. arcatica |
+ |
Female glumes ovate, blackish purple-red, margins broadly white hyaline. |
392 C. borealihinganica |
12 (8) |
Culms 5.5-8 cm tall; basal leaves gray-green. |
393 C. taldycola |
+ |
Culms 20-60 cm tall; basal leaves green |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Basal sheaths purple or blackish purple. |
394 C. altaica |
+ |
Basal sheaths castaneous-brown |
(14) |
14 (13) |
Utricles ca. 2.5 mm; nutlets obovate, sessile. |
395 C. ensifolia |
+ |
Utricles 4-4.5 mm; nutlets oblong, stipitate. |
396 C. shandanica |