1 |
Culms 35-55 cm tall; leaf blades 8-20 mm wide; spikes 2-6, cylindric, 4-6 cm, 3-5 mm thick; peduncles short, enclosed in involucral bract sheath; utricles glabrous; style base not thickened. |
121 C. courtallensis |
+ |
Culms not exceeding 30 cm tall; leaf blades 2-5 mm wide or filiform; spikes 1-5, ovate to cylindric, 3-40 mm, 2-6 mm thick; peduncles slender, exserted from involucral bract sheath; utricles pubescent, hispidulous, or glabrous; style base thickened |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Culms short, shorter than leaves; involucral bract leaf setaceous or scalelike; utricles 2-2.5 mm; style densely brown granular-punctate |
(3) |
+ |
Culms long, longer than or equaling leaves; involucral bract leaflike; utricles 3.5-6.5 mm; style smooth or hairy, sometimes style and nutlets granular-punctate |
(4) |
3 (2) |
Culms obtusely trigonous, filiform, not exceeding 0.5 mm thick; involucral bract leaf setaceous; spikes ovate or ovate-oblong, 2-5 mm; style flat. |
122 C. tsoi |
+ |
Culms flat, ca. 1 mm thick; involucral bract leaf scalelike; spikes cylindric, 5-10 mm; style cylindric. |
123 C. planiscapa |
4 (2) |
Leaves subleathery, stiff; culms robust, stiff |
(5) |
+ |
Leaves herbaceous, soft; culms thin |
(7) |
5 (4) |
Spikes ovate, 2.5-3 cm, 8-10 mm thick; utricles 6-6.5 mm. |
133 C. pterocaulos |
+ |
Spikes cylindric, 2.5-4.5 cm, 5-6 mm thick; utricles not surpassing 5.5 mm |
(6) |
6 (5) |
Leaf blades flat, 3-4 mm wide; utricles ovate; nutlets smooth. |
131 C. caudispicata |
+ |
Leaf blades linear, ca. 1 mm wide; utricles elliptic or oblong; nutlets granular-punctate on surface. |
132 C. anningensis |
7 (4) |
Spikes 4-6, lowermost one remote, others approximate, peduncles rather short, enclosed in involucral bract sheath, except lowermost one. |
124 C. cylindrostachys |
+ |
Spikes 1-3, remote, borne at middle part or base of culm, except terminal spike, long pedunculate and exserted, male flower part usually shorter than or nearly equaling female flower part |
(8) |
8 (7) |
Culms and leaves hispidulous; culms, female glumes, and utricles granular-punctate on surface; style thickened, globose. |
125 C. chlorocephalula |
+ |
Culms and leaves glabrous; culms, female glumes, and utricles not granular-punctate on surface; style base thickened |
(9) |
9 (8) |
Spikes ovate; lower female glumes with a rather long or short awn at apex |
(10) |
+ |
Spikes oblong to cylindric; female glumes without an awn at apex |
(11) |
10 (9) |
Utricles hispidulous; style pubescent; spikes 5-8 mm. |
126 C. chuana |
+ |
Utricles glabrous; style smooth; spikes 8-20 mm. |
127 C. delavayi |
11 (9) |
Leaves linear, blades 1-1.5 mm wide; utricles obovate-oblong, 4-4.2 mm; nutlet and style granular-punctate on surface. |
130 C. tsaiana |
+ |
Leaves flat, blades 2-10 mm wide; utricles oblong or obovate; nutlet and style smooth |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Utricles oblong, 4-5 mm, green, thinly few veined, pubescent, eventually glabrescent; style base slightly thickened; leaf blades 4-10 mm wide. |
128 C. speciosa |
+ |
Utricles obovate, ca. 4 mm, yellowish brown, thickly several veined, glabrous; style base thickened, conic; leaf blades 2-4 mm wide. |
129 C. funhuangshanica |