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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Dryopteridaceae

21. Polystichum sect. Adenolepia Daigobo, Sci. Rep. Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku. B 15: 61. 1972.

假贯众耳蕨组 jia guan zhong er jue zu

Cyrtomium subser. Balansana Ching & K. S. Shing ex K. S. Shing.

Plants medium-sized. Lamina leathery, rarely papery, 1-pinnate. Rachis without proliferous bulbils. Pinnae falcate-lanceolate, length more than 3 × width, asymmetrical at base. Venation free or anastomosing to form 1 or 2 rows of areoles. Sori in 2 or more rows, rarely in 1 row, on each side of midrib.

About six species: Asia; six species (three endemic) in China.

1 Venation free; sori in 1 row on each side of midrib   (2)
+ Venation anastomosing to form 1 or 2 rows of areoles; sori in 2 or more rows on each side of midrib   (3)
2 (1) Lamina papery; pinnae long spinulose on margin; veins distinct; microscales with glandlike apices.   153 P. formosanum
+ Lamina leathery; pinnae slightly spinulose on margin; veins indistinct; microscales without glandlike apices.   154 P. falcatilobum
3 (1) Pinnae much less asymmetrical at base, acroscopic bases nearly exauriculate.   155 P. hookerianum
+ Pinnae strongly asymmetrical at base, acroscopic bases strongly auriculate   (4)
4 (3) Pinnae rhombic-ovate.   156 P. trapezoideum
+ Pinnae broadly lanceolate   (5)
5 (4) Pinnae approximate, often with 1 row of areoles on each side of midrib; midrib strongly curved.   157 P. uniseriale
+ Pinnae distant from each other, often with 2 or 3 rows of areoles on each side of midrib; midrib substraight.   158 P. balansae

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