Description from
Flora of China
Trees, shrubs, suffrutescent [or rarely herbs]. Leaves alternate or pseudoverticillate, usually punctate or punctate-lineate. Inflorescences paniculate, cymose, corymbose, or umbellate, rarely racemose. Flowers bisexual, often punctate, 5- or rarely 4-merous. Calyx campanulate or cupular; sepals free or barely united at base, imbricate or quincuncial, usually punctate or punctate-lineate. Corolla campanulate, often punctate; lobes united at base, overlapping to right or very rarely to left, imbricate, or quincuncial, often conical in bud. Stamens attached at base or middle of corolla tube; filaments very short, broad at base; anthers dehiscing longitudinally or by apical pores. Ovary ovoid or subglobose, as long as or longer than petals; ovules 3 to many. Style base persistent; stigma minute, apiculate. Fruit drupaceous, 1-seeded, punctate, sometimes longitudinally ribbed, with somewhat fleshy exocarp and crusty or slightly bony endocarp. Seeds covered by membranous remnants of placenta.
About 400-500 species: primarily tropical E and SE Asia, Americas, Australia, and Pacific Islands; 65 species in China.