Description from
Flora of China
Herbs annual or biennial, gray green. Stems erect, branched. Leaf blade circular to lanceolate, margin dentate or subentire. Verticillasters sessile, globose, many flowered; bracteoles spiny. Calyx tubular, 10-veined; veins obscure in flower, ± distinct in fruit; teeth 5, equal, straight, apex spinescent. Corolla purple-white or white, nearly included, glabrous inside, equally 2-lipped; upper lip straight, ovate; lower lip 3-lobed. Stamens 4, subequal, nearly included; anthers ovoid, cells 2, divaricate. Style apex unequally 2-cleft. Nutlets oblong, triquetrous.
Monotypic: China, Kazakhstan, Russia; Europe.
Often included in Leonurus.