Description from
Flora of China
Shrubs gynodioecious, erect, densely lanate-tomentose. Stems yellow-brown. Leaves sometimes in whorls of 3, oblong-elliptic, dentate. Panicles terminal, branches spicate, pedunculate; verticillasters subtended by linear bracts, ± united at base, involucrelike. Flowers white, sessile. Calyx campanulate, tube very short; teeth 5, subulate, plumose, elongate, spinescent, ± adnate to nutlets in fruit. Corolla tube to slightly longer than calyx in pistillate flowers, much longer in bisexual flowers; limb ± 2-lipped, upper lip emarginate; lower lip 3-lobed, middle lobe longer. Stamens 4, subequal, free, included in pistillate flowers, exserted in bisexual flowers; filaments glabrous; anthers subglobose, 1-locellate. Style slightly exserted in bisexual flowers, much exserted in pistillate flowers, apex equally 2-cleft; lobes subulate to linear, divaricate. Nutlets ovoid, apex villous.
Monotypic: China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand.