Crypteronia Bl.
Description from Flora of China
Henslowia Wallich.
Leaves leathery to papery. Panicles erect to usually pendulous; racemules with very numerous flowers. Flowers white or greenish white; bract linear. Sepals persistent. Petals absent. Stamens persistent, adhering to inside of calyx tube; filaments filiform, anthers 2-celled, apically or laterally attached to connective. Ovary superior to partly inferior, lower part adhering to receptacle, 2-4-carpelled, 2-4-loculed; ovules many; style filiform to subulate, ± puberulous; stigma punctate to capitate. Capsule puberulous, upper part dehiscent with 2-4 valves; valves held together apically by persistent part of style and stigma. Seeds many (ca. 100).
Seven species: lowland to highland primary forests of tropical continental SE Asia and Malesia; one species in China.
Lower Taxon
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