Cryptolepis R. Br.
Description from Flora of China
Shrubs or woody lianas. Leaves abaxially glaucous. Cymes terminal, apparently axillary or extra-axillary, pedunculate. Calyx with 5 to 10 basal glands. Flower buds cylindric, apex caudate-acuminate. Corolla salverform; tube short cylindric or campanulate; lobes overlapping to right. Corona lobes inserted near middle of corolla tube, linear or ovate, free from filaments. Filaments broad below, narrow above; anthers connate, adnate to stigma head; pollen tetrads in masses, solitary in each anther cell, pollen carriers spatulate, erect. Stigma head broadly conical. Follicles paired, widely divaricate, narrowly lanceolate in outline.
About 12 species: SE Asia, tropical Africa; two species in China.
Lower Taxa
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