Description from
Flora of China
Herbs. Stems hollow. Leaves 3-10, in whorls, rarely opposite, sessile, linear to oblanceolate, margin entire or remotely dentate, usually subglabrous. Verticillasters many flowered, in continuous or rarely interrupted terminal spikes; bracts slightly shorter to as long as flowers. Flowers sessile. Calyx campanulate, hairy outside, glabrous inside, short 5-toothed, usually without crystals. Corolla exserted, tube gradually widened at apex, limb 4-lobed; lobes subequal, posterior lobe entire or emarginate. Stamens 4, exserted; filaments long, subequal, straight, bearded; anthers subglobose, 1-locular. Style subequal to stamens, apex 2-cleft; lobes equal, subulate. Disc ringlike, subentire. Nutlets subglobose, smooth.
About 27 species: Asia (the majority in India), one in Australia; seven species in China.
Many workers regard Dysophylla to be synonymous with Pogostemon.