Heteracia Fisch. et Mey.
Description from Flora of China
Herbs, annual. Stem leaves sagittately clasping. Capitula solitary or few, terminal on or in axils of branches, with numerous florets. Involucre hemispheric in fruit. Phyllaries in 2 rows; outer phyllaries 2-5; inner phyllaries lanceolate. Receptacle naked. Florets yellow. Achene dimorphic; outer achenes with short stout beak; inner achenes with a long slender beak. Pappus absent in outer achenes and mostly present in inner achenes, white, of scabrid bristles.
One species: C and SW Asia, SE Europe.
(Authors: Shi Zhu (石铸 Shih Chu); Norbert Kilian)
Lower Taxon
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