Description from
Flora of China
Herbs perennial. Leaves short petiolate; leaf blade ovate to linear-oblong. Verticillasters 2-flowered, arranged in lax, terminal and axillary, simple or branched thyrses; bracts lanceolate, sometimes early deciduous. Flowers pedicellate. Calyx campanulate, 10-veined, 2-lipped; upper lip 3-toothed, middle tooth largest, conspicuously netted, lateral 2 teeth smaller; lower lip 2-toothed. Corolla 2-lipped, upper lip 2-lobed, lower lip 3-lobed with middle lobe largest. Stamens 4, straight, exserted from upper lip of corolla, anterior 2 slightly longer, ca. 2 × as long as corolla; filaments filiform; anther cells divergent, confluent at apex. Ovary shallowly 4-lobed, apically truncate. Nutlets 4, obovoid, netted on back, areole nearly 1/2 as long as nutlet.
Three species: endemic to China.