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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Asteraceae

Ligularia Cass.


Description from Flora of China

Erythrochaete Siebold & Zuccarini; Hoppea Reichenbach; Jacobaeoides Vaillant; Senecillis Gaertner.

Herbs, perennial. Rhizome short, with non-flowering rosette leaves. Roots stout or slender, glabrous or hairy. Stem arising from outer axil of rosette leaves, erect, usually solitary, base surrounded with remains of old petiole. Basal leaves (rosette and lower stem leaves) well developed, palmately or pinnately veined; petioles longer, base broadly sheathed. Stem leaves alternate, fewer, similar to basal leaves but smaller, gradually smaller upward; petiole short, base with or without broad sheath. Capitula numerous in corymb, compound corymbs, racemes, paniculate racemes, or solitary, base with few or numerous supplementary bracts; peduncle with a leaflike bract. Involucre cylindric, campanulate, turbinate, or hemispheric; phyllaries in 2 rows, separate, outer phyllaries narrow, inner phyllaries broad, margin membranous, or phyllaries in 1 row, united, apex 2-5-dentate. Receptacle flat, without scales. Outer florets female, radiate or rarely narrowly tubular, or sometimes ray florets absent. Central florets tubular, bisexual; limb 5-lobed. Anthers obtuse at base, apex triangular or ovate, acute; filaments glabrous, apex inflated. Style branches slender, apex obtuse or rounded. Achenes ribbed, glabrous. Pappus with 2 or 3 rows of denticulate hairs or hairs sometimes absent.

About 140 species: Asia, Europe; 123 species (89 endemic) in China.

(Authors: Liu Shangwu (刘尚武); Irina D. Illarionova)

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