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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Lamiaceae

21. Marmoritis Bentham, Bot. Misc. 3: 377. 1833.

扭连钱属 niu lian qian shu

Description from Flora of China

Phyllophyton Kudo

Herbs perennial, villous, rhizomatous or stoloniferous. Stems erect or ascending. Leaves widely spaced, smaller or absent basally, overlapping upward, sessile or subsessile; leaf blade subcircular to reniform-ovate, papery. Verticillasters apical, obscured by upper leaves; bracts small, linear-subulate. Calyx tubular, straight or slightly curved, 15-veined, tube villous annulate inside, ± 2-lipped, upper lip 3-toothed, lower lip 2-toothed. Corolla tubular, gradually dilated at apex, exserted, usually resupinate, 2-lipped; upper lip (apparent lower lip when corolla resupinate) straight, 2-lobed; lower lip (apparent upper lip when corolla resupinate) 3-lobed, middle lobe slightly cuculate, lateral lobes oblong to oblong-ovate. Stamens 4, didynamous, anterior 2 (posterior when corolla resupinate) shorter, included, posterior 2 sometimes long exserted; anther cells 2, divergent. Ovary glabrous. Style slender, apex 2-cleft. Nutlets oblong-ovoid, smooth, base small umbonate.

About five species: China, India; all in China.

Lower Taxa


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