Description from
Flora of China
Herbs, annual. Leaves 1-foliolate, stipulate and stipellate. Racemes dense, terminal; bracts subulate, persistent. Flowers small. Pedicel apically hooked-inflexed. Calyx campanulate, membranous; lobes lanceolate, upper 2 lobes connate. Standard broad, obovate, base attenuate; wings falcate; keel incurved, apex obtuse. Stamens diadelphous (9+1); anthers uniform. Ovary 2-ovuled; style incurved; stigma capitate, small. Legume elliptic, stipitate, compressed, 1-seeded, both surfaces slightly swollen, 1- or 2-jointed, reticulate veined; fruiting pedicel long, twisted at apex, becoming looped.
One species: tropical Asia.
(Authors: Huang Puhua (黄普华 Huang Pu-hwa); Hiroyoshi Ohashi)