Description from
Flora of China
Shrubs, deciduous. Leaves on long shoots alternate, leaf blade elliptic or suboblong, papery; leaves on branchlets tufted, subsessile, leaf blade broadly lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate. Capitula solitary, terminal on branchlets, subsessile or with short peduncle, dioecious, hysteranthous; involucre campanulate or subcylindric; phyllaries few, 2- or 3-seriate, imbricate, subequal, herbaceous; receptacle small, glabrous, epaleate. Florets few, female florets tubular, corollas purple, irregularly deeply 5-lobed, often with one slit deepest; male florets white, tubular, corolla irregularly deeply 5-lobed; anther bases of male florets tailed, apex appendaged, anthers of male florets reduced; styles of female florets shallowly divided at apex, style branches very short, abaxially with short hairs, apices obtuse; styles of male florets nearly undivided, abaxially papillate. Achenes fusiform, densely long setuliferous; pappus setae of female florets numerous, barbellate to subplumose; carpopodium annular; pappus setae of male florets of very few scabrid bristles.
● One species: China.
(Authors: Gao Tiangang (高天刚); D. J. Nicholas Hind)