Description from
Flora of China
Cheiropteris Christ (1898), not Chiropteris J. G. Kurr ex H. G. Bronn (1858).
Plants terrestrial, medium-sized. Rhizome long creeping, rather thick, densely scaly; scales brown, iridescent, clathrate, ovate-lanceolate, margin dentate. Fronds distant. Stipe stramineous, longer than lamina; lamina trifid, or palmately lobed, base attenuate, middle segment longer; segments lanceolate, papery, glabrous, with small brown scales when young, margin entire; main veins raised, small veinlets obscure. Sori oblong to elongate, parallel to costa; paraphyses present, clathrate and peltate. Spores verrucate.
Neocheiropteris has been more widely delineated but Du and Cheng (Pl. Diversity Resources 33: 261-268. 2011) restricted it to just the following two species.
? Two species: SW China.
(Authors: Zhang Xianchun (张宪春); Hans P. Nooteboom)