Description from
Flora of China
Herbs erect. Rhizomes robust. Stems stellate or hirsute, becoming subglabrous. Leaves long petiolate; petiole flattened laterally; leaf blade ovate to circular. Cymes in upper leaf axils, subglobose in outline, many flowered; bracts linear, rigid, apex hooked, longer than corolla. Calyx tubular, ± conspicuously 5-veined; teeth 5, with apical or subapical hooked spine. Corolla reddish, yellow, or white, small; tube straight, included, glabrous, or glabrous outside but ± villous at throat inside, 2-lipped; upper lip erect, galeate, entire, densely villous outside, glabrous inside; lower lip subequally 3-lobed, villous outside, glabrous inside. Stamens 4, didynamous, anterior 2 longer, ascending beneath upper lip of corolla; filaments puberulent basally; anthers close together in pairs, with 2 divergent cells. Ovary glabrous or stellate at apex. Style filiform, subequally 2-cleft. Nutlets triquetrous, oblong, apex truncate.
Two species: Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal; both in China.