Description from
Flora of China
Primula subg. Omphalogramma Franchet, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 32: 272. 1855.
Herbs perennial, with stout woody rhizomes. Leaves basal, petiolate, usually minutely brown punctate. Scapes solitary in each rosette, without bracts. Flowers terminal, solitary. Calyx 5--7-lobed to base; lobes linear-lanceolate. Corolla infundibuliform, rarely campanulate to salverform, slightly zygomorphic, 5--7-lobed; lobes entire, emarginate or dentate at margin. Stamens 5--7, inserted on corolla tube; filaments glabrous or pubescent; anthers oblong to ovate, apex obtuse. Ovary ovoid, superior. Capsule oblong to cylindric, dehiscing by short valves.
Approximately 13 species: confined to the E Himalayas, W China and N Myanmar; 9 species are native to China.