Description from
Flora of China
Angiopteris Adanson (1763), not Hoffmann (1796, nom. cons.); Pterinodes Siegesbeck ex Kuntze.
Plants medium-sized. Rhizome long creeping, dark brown, covered with brown scales. Fronds distant. Sterile lamina pinnate, green, ovate-triangular, papery, both surfaces glabrous, with white long filiform hairs only on rachis and costae; pinnae narrowly elliptic, margin shallowly lobed, basal 1 or 2 pairs shortly stalked, adnate to rachis; rachis always with narrow wings; veins obvious, anastomosing with hexagonal areoles, without included veinlets. Fertile lamina bipinnate, much contracted; pinnae linear, shortly stalked, much oblique; pinnules much inrolled into small spheres, subopposite, separate from each other. Sori orbicular, with raised receptacles, terminal at ends of veinlets, indusiate. Sporangia globose, slenderly stalked; spores narrowly elliptic, perispore transparent, with folds.
One species: E Asia (var. interrupta) and North America.