Description from
Flora of China
Phlomis Linnaeus sect. Paraphlomis Prain, Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta) 9: 60. 1901.
Herbs or subshrubs, rhizomatous. Stems ascending or erect. Leaves sessile or long petiolate; leaf blade membranous to ± leathery, margin dentate. Verticillasters axillary; bracteoles lanceolate to bristlelike, sometimes minute, early deciduous. Calyx tubular to obconical, mouth sometimes slightly constricted, gradually or abruptly dilated, truncate or pleated; veins 5-10, ± distinct; teeth 5, broadly triangular to subulate, straight, spreading or reflexed, bristlelike-acuminate to acute or widened into wings from veins. Corolla 2-lipped; tube hairy annulate inside, gradually dilated at apex; upper lip flat, erect or galeate, densely hairy outside; lower lip spreading at about 90°, 3-lobed, middle lobe larger. Stamens 4, anterior 2 longer; filaments filiform, complanate, ± hairy; anther cells 2, parallel or divergent. Ovary apex truncate, glabrous or hairy. Style apex subequally 2-cleft, lobes subulate. Disc ringlike or cupulate, apex truncate. Nutlets obovoid or triquetrous oblong, glabrous or hairy.
About 24 species: China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam; 23 species in China.