Description from
Flora of China
Caesalpinia sect. Peltophorum Vogel, Linnaea 11: 406. 1837.
Trees, deciduous, unarmed. Leaves abruptly bipinnate; pinnae opposite; leaflets numerous, sessile. Inflorescences panicles or racemes, axillary or terminal; bracts caducous or persistent, small; bracteoles absent. Flowers hermaphroditic, yellow; receptacle short. Sepals 5, subequal. Petals 5, as sepals imbricate. Stamens 10, free; filaments slightly exserted, with pilose tuft at bases; anthers oblong, dorsifixed. Ovary sessile, free from receptacle, 2- or more ovuled; style filiform, long, or discoid; stigma broadly peltate, capitate, or discoid, large. Legume compressed, lanceolate-oblong, rarely elongated, indehiscent, veined at middle, with broad wing on each suture. Seeds 2-8, compressed, without endosperm.
About 12 species: tropical regions; two species (one introduced) in China.
(Authors: Chen Dezhao (陈德昭 Chen Te-chao), Zhang Dianxiang (张奠湘); Ding Hou)