Description from
Flora of China
Herbs perennial. Rootstocks massive, woody. Stems few. Leaves usually in rosettes, petiolate. Cymes 6-10-flowered, widely spaced, in long, narrow terminal thyrses. Calyx broadly campanulate, dilated, declinate in fruit, 10-veined, glabrous inside, strongly 2-lipped; upper lip with 3 reflexed teeth; lower lip longer, with 2 projected teeth; teeth ovate-triangular, apex acute. Corolla declinate, 2-lipped; tube abaxially saccate, throat slightly constricted; upper lip ± spreading, 3-lobed; middle lobe largest, 2-lobulate, lateral lobes narrower; lower lip almost as long as upper, concave, subnavicular. Stamens 4, didynamous, declinate, included; filaments free, complanate, posterior 2 dilated, basally pilose; anthers 1-locellate. Style included, apex equally 2-cleft. Nutlets globose, smooth.
Monotypic: endemic to China.
Many workers regard Skapanthus to be synonymous with Plectranthus.