Description from
Flora of China
Herbs annual or biennial, hirtellous. Roots with little purple-red dye. Leaves alternate. Cymes scorpioid. Flowers short pedicellate. Calyx 5-parted nearly to base; lobes linear, slightly enlarged in fruit or not, without hardened base, apex acute. Corolla light violet, purple, or white, ca. 2 cm; tube narrow, long; throat unappendaged, with a narrow protective ring of hairs at base of tube; limb campanulate, 5-parted; lobes broadly ovate, apex rounded. Filaments extremely short, spirally attached slightly above middle of corolla tube; anthers broadly elliptic, apex obtuse. Ovary 4-divided. Style filiform, included, apex shortly 2-cleft; stigma 1 on each branch, globose. Gynobase nearly flat. Nutlets gray-brown, oblique ovoid, vertical, ca. 2 mm, densely tuberculate, apex acute; short stipe at base.
One species: China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia.