Description from
Flora of China
Dimerocarpus Gagnepain; Diplocos Bureau; Diplothorax Gagnepain; Epicarpurus Blume; Paratrophis Blume; Pseudostreblus Bureau; Pseudotrophis Warburg; Taxotrophis Blume; Teonongia Stapf.
Trees or shrubs, occasionally scandent shrubs, with latex, sometimes spiny; monoecious or dioecious. Spines when present axillary. Stipules free or connate, lateral to ± amplexicaul, caducous. Leaves alternate, distichous; petiole short; leaf blade with or without cystoliths on one or both surfaces, margin entire or toothed and not glandular; secondary veins pinnate. Male inflorescences axillary, sometimes bisexual with a single central female flower, racemose, spicate, or ± capitate, pedunculate. Female inflorescences often 1-flowered. Male flowers: calyx lobes (3 or)4(or 5), free or basally adnate with pistillode, imbricate or valvate; stamens inflexed in bud; anthers small, reniform, extrorse. Female flowers: calyx lobes 4, opposite, free or ± connate, imbricate; ovary superior, ovoid to oblique, basally thick and fleshy, enclosed by persistent calyx lobes or not; style 2-branched. Fruit free, not aggregated into a syncarp. Drupes globose, dehiscent or indehiscent, sometimes loosely covered by slightly enlarged persistent calyx, often basally fleshy on one side. Seed large, globose, enveloped by membranous endocarp, endosperm present or absent; cotyledons unequal.
Twenty-two species: tropical and subtropical Asia; seven species in China.