Syreitschikovia Pavl.
Description from Flora of China
Herbs, perennial, caespitose. Leaves linear to linear-lanceolate, margin ± spinulose near base. Capitulum small, solitary, upright, pedunculate. Involucre cylindric to campanulate. Phyllaries imbricate, ending in a patent to reflexed but not hooked spine. Receptacle covered with bristles. Stamen filaments glabrous; anther with setaceous bifid basal appendages. Style branches short. Achene narrowly oblong, laterally compressed, longitudinally striate but otherwise smooth; apical rim forming a membranous toothed crown; apical plate with central cylindric body crowned by a disk. Pappus elements in 2 dissimilar series, outer of thin scabrid bristles, inner of narrowly lanceolate scales ending in a barbellate subulate tip.
Two species: C Asia; one species in China.
(Authors: Shi Zhu (石铸 Shih Chu); Werner Greuter)
Lower Taxon
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