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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Fabaceae

Zenia Chun


Description from Flora of China

Trees, deciduous. Buds with few perules. Leaves imparipinnate, not stipulate; leaflets alternate, entire, not stipellate. Flowers bi­sexual, ± actinomorphic, reddish, in terminal panicles. Sepals 5, imbricate. Petals 5, imbricate, slightly unequal. Perfect stamens 4, 5th one reduced to a filiform staminode, rarely 5, inserted on margin of disk. Disk small, sinuate-lobate. Ovary compressed, few (7-9) ovuled, shortly stalked; style subulate, short, slightly curved; stigma small. Legume compressed, membranous, indehiscent, reticu­late veined, broadly winged along upper (adaxial) suture. Seeds few, compressed, orbicular, with long funicle.

One species: S China, Vietnam.

Lower Taxon


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