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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Pteridaceae | Pteris

Pteris maclurei Ching


Description from Flora of China

Pteris nakasimae Tagawa.

Plants 80-90 cm tall. Rhizome ascending, ca. 1 cm in diam., apex densely clothed with brown scales. Fronds subclustered; stipe dark chestnut, apically light chestnut, shiny, 40-50 cm, 3-4 mm in diam., glabrous, scaly, narrowly grooved adaxially; lamina 2- or 3-pinnatipartite, broadly ovate in outline, 40-45 × 25-30 cm; lateral pinnae 5-7 pairs, decumbent, opposite, 7-10 cm apart, shortly stalked with a narrow wing, or sessile toward apex, broadly lanceolate, 15-20(-32) × 4-6(-8) cm, base cuneate, pectinately divided to within 5-6 mm of costa, apex lobate or long caudate (2-7 cm), basal pinnae with 1-3 pairs of pinnae often with a basiscopic pinnule similar to main part of pinna but smaller; segments 14-20 pairs, alternate or subopposite, sinuses obtuse, 4-8 mm wide, slightly oblique, falcate-lanceolate, 20-65 × 6-9 mm, base enlarged, margins serrate or crenate, entire toward apex, apex acuminate or obtuse; terminal pinna similar to median lateral pinnae; costae abaxially prominent, light brown, upper 1/3 part straw-colored, straw-colored and slightly grooved adaxially, with needlelike spines, winged, wing 5-6 mm wide on both sides of costule; veins anastomosing to form a series of narrow areoles along costules, areoles 1/3-2/3 as wide as costule wing, acroscopic arcuate veinlet of areole arising from rachis of segment below base of costa, veinlets outward from areole free, and veinlet of segment 2-forked besides 2 or 3 apical pairs; lamina brown-green, thinly herbaceous when dried, glabrous.

Material of Pteris maclurei was first identified by Y. C. Wu et al. (Bull. Dept. Biol. Sun Yatsen Univ. 3: 246, t. 114. 1932) as P. biaurita.

Dense wet forests; 600-700 m. Fujian (Jianou), Guangdong (Lechang, Meixian, Yingde), Guangxi (Xiangxian, Xingde, Yaoshan), S Hunan (Jianghua, Jiangyong, Tongdao), S Jiangxi, ?Zhejiang [S Japan, N Vietnam].


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