Description from
Flora of China
Davallia multidentata Hooker in Hooker & Baker, Syn. Fil. 91. 1867; Araiostegia multidentata (Hooker) Copeland; Davallodes multidentata (Hooker) M. Kato & Tsutsumi; Humata multidentata (Hooker) Diels; Leucostegia multidentata (Hooker) Beddome; Paradavallodes kansuensis Ching.
Rhizome ca. 5 mm in diam. (without scales, with scales ca. 10 mm in diam.), not white waxy. Scales brown without pale border, narrowed evenly toward apex, often curling backward, basifixed with cordate base and much overlapping lobes, ca. 6 mm, without multiseptate hairs, lacking marginal setae or teeth, or toothed. Stipe pale or dark brown, adaxially grooved, 17-25 cm, glabrous or with few scales; lamina compound, tripinnate, deltoid and broadest toward base, 30-45 × 17-34 cm, glabrous, not or slightly dimorphic. Longest petiolules 8-10 mm; pinnae linear-triangular; longest pinnae 10-19 × 6-9 cm; pinnules of at least larger pinnae anadromous, narrowly ovate; longest pinnules 40-70 × 15-30 mm; ultimate pinnae linear-oblong, lobed halfway toward midrib; ultimate segments or lobes obtuse or acute without a tooth, 2-4 × ca. 1 mm (often shallowly lobed). Rachises and costae, at least rachises, hairy; hairs 0.1-0.2 mm. Veins in sterile ultimate lobes simple or forked, not reaching margin; false veins not present. Sori separate, frequently single on a segment, at forking point of veins or at bending point of a vein; indusium reniform, attached at narrow, cordate base only, wider than long, ca. 0.5 × 0.6-0.8 mm.
In the paper "Notes on Davalliaceae I" (Nooteboom, Blumea 37: 175. 1992), Paradavallodes kansuensis was reduced to the synonymy of Araiostegia pulchra on the basis of the description. However, after studying the type of P. kansuensis, all of the present co-authors agree that it in fact belongs to P. multidentata.
Dense forests, epiphytic on rocks or tree trunks; 1200-2100 m. Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan [India, Nepal].