Description from
Flora of China
Polypodium acroscopum Christ, J. Bot. 9: 75. 1905.
Rhizome creeping, slender; scales pale brown, lanceolate, margin entire, cells longer than width. Fronds distant, monomorphic; stipe slender, 2-3 cm; lamina linear-lanceolate, 4-6 × 0.3-0.4 cm, base decurrent to a winged stipe, apex bluntly acute; texture thin; costa raised adaxially, veins hidden. Sori 3-5 pairs, linear, very oblique, subparallel to costa, superficial, paraphyses absent. Spores globose-trilete.
Loxogramme acroscopa is similar to L. chinensis in characters of scales and spores and so might be an ecological form of the latter.
On wet rocks by streams, possibly a seasonal rheophyte; 200-500 m. S Guizhou, SE Yunnan [N Vietnam].