Description from
Flora of China
Guatteria pisocarpa Blume, Bijdr. 21. 1825.
Shrubs or small trees, 3-7 m tall. Branches spreading, slender, pliant; branchlets dark colored, striate, rufous pubescent when young, glabrescent, with many leaf scars when old. Petiole 2-5 mm; leaf blade ovate, elliptic, lanceolate, or sometimes slightly obovate, 5.5-14 × 2.5-7 cm, membranous, minutely granular, abaxially appressed rufous pubescent on midvein and secondary veins, adaxially glabrous except for slightly pubescent midvein, secondary veins 6-10 pairs, curving then becoming straight, ascending steeply, and running some distance close to margin before terminating, base acute to subrounded and oblique, apex acute to shortly acuminate. Inflorescences 1-flowered or 2- or 3-fasciculate. Pedicel white or yellowish, 2-6 mm, slender, pubescent. Sepals broadly ovate, ca. 1 × 1 mm, outside pubescent. Petals yellowish green; outer petals ovate-triangular, ca. 2.5 × 2.5 mm, pubescent; inner petals ca. 2 × 2 mm. Stamen connectives apically truncate, puberulent. Carpels 5 or 6, ca. 1.5 mm, puberulent. Monocarps globose, 6-8 mm in diam. Fl. Jan-Jul, fr. Sep-Nov. 2n = 18.
The flowers of Popowia pisocarpa are fragrant and are used as a perfume.
Forested slopes; 200-300 m. Guangdong, Hainan [Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam].