Description from
Flora of China
Evergreen trees, 9-10 m tall, 15-16 cm d.b.h. Branchlets cylindric, densely yellowish villous; 2-year-old branchlets gray, gradually glabrate. Petiole 1.6-2 cm, densely tomentose; leaf blade pale abaxially, green and shiny adaxially, ovate or oblong, 15-20 × 8.5-10 cm, papery, densely yellowish tomentose abaxially, trinerved, first pair of lateral veins curved, elongate to near apex, reticulate veins distinctly convex abaxially, apex acuminate. Umbels 5-10, congregated at short branch in leaf axil; involucral bracts 3-5, pubescent on outer surface, 5-flowered inside. Male flowers: tepals 6, narrowly elliptic, in outer whorl larger than in inner whorl, pubescent on outer surface, glabrous on inner surface; stamens 9; filaments glabrous, 2-glandular near base in 3rd whorl; glands rounded-reniform, shortly stipitate; reduced pistil glabrous; ovary ellipsoid; style convolute; stigma semiglobose, rather large, densely glandular pubescent. Female flowers: tepals 6, oblong, in outer whorl longer than in inner whorl, silvery-white pubescent on outer surface, glabrous on inner surface; reduced stamens 9, fasciated, pubescent, 2-glandular slightly above filament base in 3rd whorl; glands narrowly elliptic; ovary ovate, ovary and style silvery-white sericeous; stigma semiglobose. Fruits ellipsoid, ca. 1 cm × 8 mm, mucronate at top; stipe ca. 5 mm, pubescent.
● Valleys; ca. 1300 m. W Guangxi.