Description from
Flora of China
Alseodaphne cavaleriei (H. Léveillé) Kostermans.
Shrubs or small trees, ca. 2.5 m tall. Bark gray. Branchlets yellowish brown, somewhat thick, longitudinally elliptic-lenticellate, young parts grayish white or pale brown pubescent. Leaves scattered on upper part of branchlet; petiole slightly slender, 8-12(-26) mm; leaf blade abaxially slightly glaucescent-green, obovate or oblong, 5-10.5 × 2-3(-4.2) cm, young leaf blade puberulent on both surfaces, becoming glabrous adaxially, midrib abaxially elevated, adaxially slightly impressed, lateral veins 6-8 pairs, slender, veinlets foveolate, somewhat conspicuous on both surfaces. Panicles arising from lower part of young shoot, 3.8-7 cm, gray pubescent; peduncle purple, slender, branched at upper part. Pedicel slender, 3-5 mm, pubescent. Perianth lobes oblong, 3-4 mm, slightly unequal, pubescent on both surfaces, with 5 longitudinal veins, apex obtuse. Filaments villous at base; glands of 3rd series shortly stipitate. Ovary subglobose; stigma dish-shaped. Fruit globose when young; persistent perianth lobes thinly leathery.
● Mountain slopes, open or dense forests; ca. 1300 m. NW Guangxi, S Guizhou.