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Saxifraga auriculata Engl. et Irmsch.


Description from Flora of China

Herbs perennial, 26-35 cm tall. Stem simple, proximally white glandular villous, distally glandular pubescent. Basal leaves caducous, absent at anthesis. Proximal cauline leaves smaller than others; petiole 1.7-3 mm; leaf blade ovate to lanceolate, 5-6 × 3-4 mm, both surfaces glandular pubescent, base rounded, apex subobtuse to acute; median leaves sessile or subsessile, narrowly ovate, larger, 1.3-1.7 cm × 7-9 mm, base cordate to truncate, amplexicaul, apex acute; distal leaves oblong, smaller. Cyme congested, 3-11-flowered; pedicels densely glandular pubescent. Sepals erect, subovate, 3-4 × 1-1.5 mm, abaxially and marginally glandular pubescent, veins 3 or 5-15, not confluent at apex, apex obtuse, entire, sometimes erose. Petals yellow, suboblong, ca. 6 × 1.5-2 mm, 2-callose near base or distinctly 6-callose, 3- or 4-veined, base abruptly contracted into a claw, apex obtuse. Stamens overtopping pistil. Ovary ovoid; styles rather short. Fl. and fr. Jul-Sep.

* Shaded and wet places in forests, alpine meadows; 3200-4700 m. W Sichuan, S Xizang.


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