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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Saxifragaceae | Saxifraga

Saxifraga contraria H. Smith


Description from Flora of China

Herbs perennial, cespitose, 1-5 cm tall. Shoots many branched. Flowering stem glabrous proximally, white pilose distally. Leaves opposite, occasionally some alternate on young shoots, aggregated into a rosette; leaf blade elliptic, ca. 2 × 1.1 mm, carnose, both surfaces glabrous, margin glabrous, occasionally setose-ciliate, apex obtuse. Flower solitary; bracts 2, opposite, elliptic, ca. 2 × 1 mm, carnose, margin usually glabrous, apex obtuse; pedicel 1-5 mm, white pubescent; hypanthium scrotiform at base. Sepals spreading, subovate, 1.5-1.8 × 1-1.5 mm, carnose, glabrous, veins 3, not confluent at apex, apex obtuse. Petals yellow, narrowly ovate to elliptic, 2-3.5 × 1-1.3 mm, 2-callose near base, 3-veined, base contracted into a claw ca. 0.5 mm, apex retuse. Stamens ca. 2 mm. Ovary semi-inferior, broadly ovoid, ca. 1.4 mm, with a lobed, annular nectary disc; styles ca. 0.5 mm. Fl. Jul-Aug.

Rocky hillsides, alpine rock crevices; 4200-4800 m. S Xizang (Lhasa Shi, Mainling Xian) [Bhutan, Nepal].


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