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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Pittosporaceae | Pittosporum

Pittosporum kwangsiense Chang et Yan


Description from Flora of China

Shrubs or small trees. Buds ovoid; scales brown pubescent. Young branchlets gray-white, glabrous, many lenticellate. Leaves clustered at branchlet apex, biennial; petiole 7–12 mm; leaf blade green and shiny adaxially, yellow-green after drying, obovate-oblong, 10–15 × 4–6 cm, glabrous, lateral veins 5–7-paired, slightly convex abaxially, slightly visible adaxially, reticulate veins indisticnt on both surfaces, base cuneate, margin flat, apex acute. Flowers not seen. Infructescences 3–5-capsuled; peduncle 1.5–4 cm, glabrous; pedicels 5–12 mm. Capsule oblate, slightly compressed, 7–9 mm in diam, dehiscing by 2 valves; pericarp thinly woody; placentas basal. Seeds ca. 4, red, black after drying, compressed globose, 5–6 mm in diam.; funicle yellow-brown, broad, compressed, ca. 1 mm. Fl. Mar–May, fr. May–Nov.

Forests, thickets. Guangxi, W Yunnan (Zhenyuan Xian).


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