Cotoneaster microphyllus var. thymifolius (Baker) Koehne
Description from Flora of China
Cotoneaster thymifolius Baker in Saunders, Refug. Bot. 1: t. 50. 1869; C. integrifolius (Roxburgh) G. Klotz; C. linearifolius (G. Klotz) G. Klotz; C. microphyllus f. linearifolius G. Klotz; Crataegus integrifolia Roxburgh.
Leaves narrowly oblong or oblong-obovate to linear-lanceolate, 4–16 × 1.5–5(–7) mm, both surfaces pubescent. Petals pinkish white. 2n = 51, 68.
Brach (2010): This is instead Cotoneaster integrifolius (Roxb.) G. Klotz (see Dickoré & Kasperek (2010. Willdenowia)).
High mountain areas; 3000--4000 m. SE Xizang, NW Yunnan [India, Kashmir, Nepal, Sikkim].
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