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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Rosaceae | Rubus

Rubus caesius Linn.


Description from Flora of China

Shrubs scandent, to 1.5 m tall. Branchlets yellow-green to brownish, glabrous or puberulous, glaucous and with unequal long prickles. Leaves ternately-pinnately compound; petiole 4–7 cm, petiolule of terminal leaflet 1–2.5 cm, lateral leaflets subsessile, thinly pubescent, with minute prickles, sometimes with intermixed shortly stipitate glands; stipules lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, 6–10 × 2–3 mm, pubescent, margin sparsely stipitate glandular; blade broadly ovate or rhombic-ovate, 4–7 × 3–7 cm, both surfaces puberulous, base rounded to truncate, margin incised, coarsely sharp doubly serrate, often 3-lobed, apex acute. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, corymbose or short racemes, several to more than 10-flowered, terminal ones to 14 cm, with more flowers, axillary ones shorter, few flowered; rachis and pedicels pubescent, with minute prickles, sometimes with intermixed shortly stipitate glands; bracts broadly lanceolate, 5–8 × 1–2 mm, pubescent or shortly stipitate glandular. Pedicel 1–1.5 cm. Flowers to 2 cm in diam. Calyx abaxially pubescent, with minute prickles; tube short, pelviform; sepals usually erect, ovate-lanceolate, 6–8 × 3–5 mm, apex acuminate. Petals white, broadly elliptic or broadly oblong, nearly as long as or slightly longer than sepals, glabrous, base shortly clawed. Stamens many, shorter than petals; filaments linear. Pistils nearly as long as or slightly shorter than stamens; style and ovary glabrous. Aggregate fruit black, subglobose, ca. 1 cm in diam., glabrous. Fl. Jun–Jul, fr. Aug.

Forests in montane valleys, ravines, river banks; 1000--1500 m. Xinjiang [Russia; SW Asia, Europe, North America].


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Flora of China  
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