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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Rosaceae | Rubus

Rubus hastifolius Levl. et Vant


Description from Flora of China

Rubus rufolanatus H. T. Chang.

Shrubs evergreen, scandent, to 12 m tall. Branches grayish brown, terete, long flagelliform; branchlets brownish, densely gray tomentose, glabrescent, with sparse, short prickles; petiole 2–5 mm, densely tomentose, unarmed or occasionally with minute prickles; stipules caducous, free, oblong, 6–9 mm, palmatipartite nearly to base, lobes linear-lanceolate, soft hairy; blade oblong-lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, 6–12 × 2.5–4 cm, lateral veins 5–8 pairs, prominent abaxially, subleathery, abaxially densely reddish brown tomentose, adaxially dark green, glabrous, base deeply cordate, margin usually with 2 distinct lobes near base; lobes serrulate, apex obtuse or acute. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, short racemes or corymbose, 3–5 cm, 3–8-flowered; rachis and pedicels densely reddish brown sericeous-villous; bracts caducous, oblong, 5–8 mm, soft hairy, palmatipartite nearly to base, but bracts apically on inflorescences often shorter, divided into 2 or 3 linear lobes. Pedicel 0.8–1.5 cm. Flowers ca. 1.5 cm in diam. Calyx abaxially densely reddish brown sericeous-villous; tube pelviform; sepals reflexed after anthesis, ovate-lanceolate, 5–8 × 3–6 mm, margin undivided or outer sepals apically shallowly laciniate, apex shortly acuminate or acute. Petals white, obovate, ca. 5 mm, glabrous, base shortly clawed. Stamens many in 2 or 3 whorls, shorter than petals; filaments broad, complanate, glabrous; anthers yellowish, slightly sericeous-villous. Pistils nearly as long as or slightly longer than stamens; styles sparsely sericeous-villous; ovary glabrous. Aggregate fruit red when immature, purplish black at maturity, subglobose, slightly compressed, 1–1.2 cm in diam., glabrous, fleshy; pyrenes shallowly foveolate. Fl. Mar–May, fr. Jun–Jul.

This species is commonly used medicinally in N Guangdong.

Shaded slopes, ravines, sparse forests, thickets; 300--1500 m. Guangdong, Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi, Yunnan [Thailand, Vietnam].


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