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Sabia fasciculata Lecomte ex L. Chen


Description from Flora of China

?Sabia calcicola C. Y. Wu ex S. K. Chen.

Woody climbers, to 12 m, evergreen. Young branches brown or black-brown, waxy; branchlets glabrous, sparsely puberulent, or tomentulose; bud scales broadly triangular or broadly ovoid, glabrous, ciliate. Petiole 8-15 mm, glabrous or somewhat puberulent; leaf blade abaxially light green, adaxially dark green, oblong, elliptic, obovate-oblong, or narrowly elliptic, 5-12 × 1.5-4 cm, leathery, lateral veins 5-8 pairs, straight, base cuneate or rounded, apex acute or long acuminate. Cymes 3-6-flowered, arranged in a short, ± corymbose inflorescence 10-20-flowered, glabrous to sparsely tomentulose, glomerulate-clustered at early flowering, to 4 cm when blooming; peduncles very short, 1-2 mm. Pedicel 3-6 mm. Sepals 5, ovate or oblong-ovate, 1-2 mm, glabrous, with red glandular dots, margin white, apex acute or obtuse. Petals 5, light green, with red spots at middle, oblong-ovate or ovate, 4.5-6.5 × 2-2.5 mm, 7-veined. Stamens 5, 3-5 mm; filaments flattened; anthers upright, elliptic or oblong-elliptic, extrorse. Disk cup-shaped, shortly 5-lobed. Ovary glabrous. Schizocarp red, obovoid or broadly obovoid, compressed, 6-7 × 7-8.5 mm; endocarp with conspicuous midrib, narrowly keeled, with foveolate. Fl. Feb-May, fr. May-Oct.

Forests, mountain slopes, valleys, rocks; 600-1900 m. S Fujian, N Guangdong, Guangxi, SE Yunnan [N Myanmar, Vietnam].


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